one year on

2009 August 13

Created by Mummy 14 years ago
one year... one year! It feels like a lifetime. I'm not sure how your Daddy and I got through it. I have stumbled across a lady on Facebook who has made a lovely picture and she lit a candle for you, Cherry. The lady calls these 'Angelversaries' I think that's so sweet, so from now I intend to call it your Angelversary. Today I saw Nanny & Grandad O'Reilly who are still very sad that you arent here. Nanny took some flowers to the Crematorium to think of you as well as your Great Grandad Charlie. A man, I am sad never to have met. He sounds like he was a lovely and kind man. Daddy and I then had dinner with Aunt Louise, Grandma & Grandpa Connell. We all wish you were here too. Your Great Aunt Marian gave us two perfect ceramic hearts. They are our reminder that you and Charles will be in everyone's hearts forever. well, Happy 1st Angelversary my darling Daughter. I miss and love you. Mummyxx
